
Pastors & Staff

Lead/Teaching Pastor
Brad loves:
  • Jeeps
  • The beach
  • Baseball
Executive Pastor
Kevin's favorite things:
  • Spending time with his family (especially his grandchildren!)
  • Watching & refereeing soccer
  • Reading
Student Ministries Pastor
Jack loves:
  • The Detroit Tigers
  • The Office
  • Iced Coffee
Discipleship & Teaching Pastor
Kevin loves:
  • Sports
  • Travel
  • Anything University of Michigan 
Worship Arts Leader
Connor loves:
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Working Out
Business Manager
Pam loves:
  • Her grandbabies
  • Hiking in the fall
  • Triple iced espresso
Melissa Mulvaney
Communications Coordinator
Melissa's favorite things:
  • Anything pink
  • Watching football
  • Laughing loudly
Children's Ministries Coordinator
Becky loves:
  • Laughing & fun
  • Vacations
  • Tea parties & coffee time
Data Management Coordinator
Doris' favorite things:
  • My Family
  • My Quiet (alone) Times
  • Serving Others at SRBC
Student Ministries Coordinator
Linda loves:
  • Starbucks
  • Sunshine
  • Books


Ministry Leaders & Deacons

Brian Cannon

Missions / Global Partners

Brian & Kristen Eichert

Guest Services

David G


Steve Johnson

Resource Planning/Vehicles

Armando & Mary Jane



Women's Ministry

Men's Ministry

Steve Romano

Building / Grounds

Paul Seymour

Building & Security